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CNC Milling:What is Straddle CNC Milling?

234   |   Published by VMT at Oct 06 2021




Obtain different final contours in machining, adapt to the application in CNC milling operations, straddle CNC milling and Gang milling use more than one tool in the manufacturing machining. What kind of parts are straddle CNC milling ? This article will describe what is straddle CNC milling? What is the difference between straddle CNC milling and Gang milling?





What is straddle CNC milling?



Straddle CNC milling refers to a type of CNC milling operation in which the machine tool processes two or more parallel workpiece surfaces through one cut. This process uses two tools on the same machine spindle, which are arranged so that the tools are on either side of the workpiece and can mill both sides at the same time.


CNC milling is a versatile machining process that plays a pivotal role in modern manufacturing. It allows for precise and efficient fabrication of parts and components with the aid of computer numerical control (CNC) technology. Within the realm of CNC milling, there are various techniques and approaches used to achieve specific machining goals. One such technique is straddle CNC milling, which provides unique advantages in certain manufacturing scenarios.






CNC milling involves the use of computer-controlled machines to remove material from a workpiece, creating a desired shape or form. This process utilizes rotating cutting tools to perform precise and repetitive operations, such as drilling, cutting, and shaping. With the ability to automate complex tasks, CNC milling has revolutionized the manufacturing industry, allowing for enhanced accuracy, productivity, and flexibility.




Understanding Gang CNC Milling



Gang CNC milling is a technique that involves the simultaneous operation of multiple cutting tools mounted on a single machine setup. The term "gang" refers to the grouping of tools, which can perform different operations on a workpiece simultaneously. This approach significantly improves productivity and efficiency by reducing setup time and increasing machining throughput.


Gang CNC milling finds extensive applications in high-volume production environments where multiple identical or similar parts need to be manufactured. By utilizing multiple tools, the machine can complete several operations in a single pass, resulting in reduced cycle times and increased output.




Exploring Straddle CNC Milling



Straddle CNC milling is a specialized variant of CNC milling that focuses on machining wide workpieces or parts that exceed the size limitations of the machine's workspace. In this technique, the workpiece is positioned between two cutting tools, which are mounted on separate spindles or tool holders. These tools work in tandem to perform operations on the workpiece, allowing for the machining of larger components with precision and accuracy.


The concept behind straddle CNC milling is to divide the machining process into two separate passes. The first pass machines one side of the workpiece, while the second pass machines the opposite side. By utilizing two tools in coordination, the overall machining time is reduced, and symmetrical parts can be produced efficiently.


Straddle CNC milling is particularly useful when manufacturing parts with wide flat surfaces, such as automotive transmission components, large mold bases, or aerospace structural components. It enables manufacturers to produce complex and oversized parts with high precision and repeatability.





What type of tools are used in straddle CNC milling?




Straddle CNC milling is a kind of milling. It uses milling cutters on both sides for processing. Generally, the cutters used are straight-tooth, helical-tooth half-edge or flat-edge milling cutters. In some cases, staggered face milling cutters can be used.




Straddle CNC Milling, Gang CNC Milling




What is Gang CNC Milling?


Gang milling refers to a milling operation that uses two or more tools (usually tools with different sizes, shapes or widths) on the same machine spindle. Each cutter can perform the same cutting operation at the same time, or perform different cutting operations at the same time, so that more complex parts can be produced in a shorter production time.





The difference between straddle CNC milling and Gang CNC milling


Straddle CNC milling is a special combination milling. Generally, two milling cutters are installed on the tool holder to create two vertical planes. In combined milling, there are many milling cutters fixed on the shank to adapt to the shape of the processed blank material.


While both gang CNC milling and straddle CNC milling involve the use of multiple cutting tools, there are significant differences in their setup, operation, and applications.




Variances in setup and tooling



In gang CNC milling, multiple tools are mounted on a single tool holder or turret, allowing for simultaneous machining operations. This setup requires careful tool selection, tool arrangement, and programming to ensure optimal utilization of each tool.


On the other hand, straddle CNC milling involves mounting two separate tools on different spindles or tool holders. The workpiece is positioned between these tools, allowing for simultaneous machining on both sides. This setup requires precise alignment and synchronization of the two tools to ensure symmetrical machining.




Variation in machining operations and efficiency



Gang CNC milling excels in high-volume production scenarios, where multiple identical or similar parts need to be manufactured quickly. By performing multiple operations simultaneously, it significantly reduces cycle times and increases overall productivity.


Straddle CNC milling, on the other hand, is primarily used for machining wide workpieces or oversized components. It enables manufacturers to machine large parts with precision and efficiency by dividing the process into two passes. While it may have a slightly longer cycle time compared to gang CNC milling, it allows for the creation of symmetrical parts that would otherwise be challenging to machine.





Applications and Industries Utilizing Straddle CNC Milling



Straddle CNC milling is employed in various industries where the production of wide or oversized parts is required. Some notable applications include:



Automotive industry


In the automotive industry, straddle CNC milling is utilized for manufacturing transmission components, engine blocks, and other large parts. This technique ensures the precise machining of critical features on both sides of the components, resulting in reliable and high-performance automotive systems.



Aerospace industry


The aerospace industry often deals with the production of large structural components, such as wing spars, fuselage sections, and landing gear components. Straddle CNC milling enables the machining of these complex parts with tight tolerances and ensures the symmetrical alignment of critical features.



Mold and die manufacturing


Straddle CNC milling is also widely used in the mold and die manufacturing industry. By employing this technique, manufacturers can efficiently machine large mold bases, dies, and cavity blocks, ensuring the accuracy and integrity of the final products.




Factors to Consider for Successful Straddle CNC Milling



To achieve optimal results in straddle CNC milling, several factors need to be considered:



Machine rigidity and stability


Straddle CNC milling requires a machine with sufficient rigidity and stability to handle the machining forces generated during the process. A sturdy machine structure minimizes vibrations, ensuring accurate and consistent machining results.



Cutting tools and tool holders


The selection of appropriate cutting tools and tool holders is critical for successful straddle CNC milling. High-quality tools with suitable geometry and coatings should be chosen to ensure optimal chip evacuation, extended tool life, and superior surface finish.



Workholding techniques


Effective workholding is essential to maintain the stability and positioning of the workpiece during straddle CNC milling. Various techniques, such as clamping, vices, or custom fixtures, can be employed to secure the workpiece firmly and prevent any unwanted movement or deflection.




Best Practices and Tips for Straddle CNC Milling



To achieve the best results in straddle CNC milling, consider the following practices and tips:


Proper programming and tool selection


Thoroughly analyze the part geometry and create a well-optimized CNC program. Select the appropriate tools based on the material, part features, and desired surface finish. Utilize toolpath strategies that optimize tool engagement and minimize unnecessary movements.



Optimizing feeds and speeds


Determine the optimal cutting parameters, including cutting speed, feed rate, and depth of cut, for the specific material and tooling being used. Optimizing feeds and speeds helps prevent tool breakage, reduce machining time, and improve surface finish.



Ensuring tool and workpiece alignment


Accurate alignment between the cutting tools and the workpiece is crucial in straddle CNC milling. Precisely align the tools to ensure they engage the workpiece symmetrically, minimizing any discrepancies or errors between the machined sides.







Straddle CNC milling is a machining process that is suitable for processing various materials and producing various custom-designed parts. Although this process may show advantages over other machining processes, it may not be suitable for every manufacturing application, and other processes may prove more appropriate and cost-effective.


Straddle CNC milling is a specialized technique that allows manufacturers to machine wide workpieces and oversized components with precision and efficiency. By employing multiple cutting tools in a coordinated manner, manufacturers can achieve symmetrical machining and produce complex parts that meet tight tolerances.


While gang CNC milling focuses on high-volume production and simultaneous machining operations, straddle CNC milling caters to the specific needs of wide or oversized part manufacturing. By understanding the differences, applications, and best practices of each technique, manufacturers can leverage these CNC milling approaches to enhance their productivity and achieve exceptional machining results.






What are the advantages of gang CNC milling?


Gang CNC milling offers significant advantages, including reduced setup time, increased machining efficiency, and improved productivity. By simultaneously machining multiple features, manufacturers can complete operations in a single pass, resulting in shorter cycle times and higher output.



Can straddle CNC milling be used for complex parts?


Yes, straddle CNC milling is suitable for machining complex parts, especially those with wide or oversized dimensions. This technique allows for precise machining on both sides of the workpiece, ensuring symmetry and accuracy in critical features.



How does straddle CNC milling improve productivity?


Straddle CNC milling improves productivity by enabling the machining of wider workpieces or oversized components in a more efficient manner. By dividing the machining process into two passes, it reduces cycle times and allows for simultaneous machining on both sides of the workpiece.



What are the challenges associated with gang CNC milling?


While gang CNC milling offers several advantages, it also presents challenges such as tool interference, increased programming complexity, and the need for careful tool selection and arrangement. Proper planning and optimization are required to overcome these challenges and maximize the benefits of gang CNC milling.



Is gang CNC milling suitable for small-scale manufacturing?


Gang CNC milling is most suitable for high-volume production scenarios, where multiple identical or similar parts need to be manufactured efficiently. It may not be as cost-effective for small-scale manufacturing due to the initial setup and tooling requirements associated with this technique.





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